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Title: BBC News - Q&A: Phone-hacking scandal at News of the World
George Galloway
Sky Andrew
Ali Dizaei
Paul Marsden
Elle Macpherson
London Mayor Boris
Glenn Mulcaire
Gordon Brown
Jade Goody
Andy Gray
James Weatherup
Alison Levitt QC
Brendan Montague
Steve Coogan
Keir Starmer QC
York Times
Sean Hoare
David Cameron
Mark Stephens
Rupert Murdoch
George Michael
Prince William. The
Mr Coogan
Ian Edmondson
John Yates
Mr Taylor
Max Clifford
Lenny Henry
Chris Bryant
Sky Sports
Simon Hughes
Brian Paddick
Mark Lewis
Nigella Lawson
Sienna Miller
Kelly Hoppen.
Robert Peston
Chris Tarrant
Mr Coulson
Paul Gascoigne.
Gwyneth Paltrow
Clive Goodman
Boris Becker
Gordon Taylor
Mr Clifford
Tessa Jowell
Paul McCartney
Mr Gray. In
Heather Mills
Boris Johnson
Andy Coulson
Trinity Mirror
Neville Thurlbeck
Bob Crow. Former
Time Stamp: Thu Jun 30 11:35:49 CEST 2011
URL: http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-11195407
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