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Title: BBC News - Potential 2012 Republican candidates
Mike Pence
Sarah Palin
Haley Barbour
Mrs Palin
Jon Huntsman
Jon Huntsman Sr
Mr Pawlenty
York City Mayor
Dominique Strauss-Kahn
Mike Huckabee
Ron Paul
Fox News Channel
Fox News.
Sarah Palin.
Chris Christie
Tim Pawlenty
Mr Johnson
Gary Johnson
Mr Gingrich
Indiana Governor Mitch
Monica Lewinsky.
Rick Perry
Mr Romney
Bill Clinton
Donald Trump
Jeb Bush
Michele Bachmann
Indiana Congressman Mike
Mitch Daniels
Rick Santorum
Newt Gingrich
Rudolph Giuliani
Herman Cain
John McCain
George Romney
John Thune
Mr Paul
Mr Huntsman
Mr Obama
Mr Obama. He
Dakota Senator John
Time Stamp: Fri Jul 01 09:19:14 CEST 2011
URL: http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-us-canada-11802187
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